

100% GRAS-FED Beef Bone Broth Noodle Soup

Perfect soup for a snack, as an appetizer or to warm up. It will be the quickest and easiest soup to prepare, with top notch proteins, a variety of herbs, greens, roots and seeds.

Ingredients for 2 cups:
16 oz. water
4 scoops FREZZOR 100% Gras-Fed Beef Bone Broth Protein
3 handfuls soup noodles (thin)

Begin by heating water. Once the water is warm add 4 scoops of bone broth and mix with a whisk. Keep whisking until the powder disolves and water heats up to your prefered temperature. Add noodles and keep heating until the noodles become soft. Serve and enjoy.

100% FRAS-FED Beef Bone Broth Protein Noodle Soup