FREZZOR Antioxidant Black contains the full spectrum of powerful carotenoids in their natural form, which protects cells from free-radicals that cause premature aging of our cells.
FREZZOR Antioxidant Black contains the full spectrum of powerful carotenoids in their natural form, which protects cells from free-radicals that cause premature aging of our cells.
FREZZOR Omega-3 Black contains 11 powerful life-enhancing ingredients including Pine Bark Extract. Studies have shown that Pine Bark Extract helps against age related cognitive decline.
A4M Anti-Aging Conference in Ft. Lauterdale, FL. – A beautiful venue and a very international crowd. There is an increasing awareness in the general population and among physicians in particular that high quality and “clean” nutrition is an essential component … Continue reading
“The prevalence rate of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) within Western cultures is between 5% and 12%, and is the most common psychiatric illness among school-aged children, with an estimated 50% of these children retaining ADHD symptoms for the rest of their … Continue reading